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How can I make changes to my EnsoViewer report templates?

If you have the Admin permission at your clinic, you can make changes to your custom reports.

Note: This is just a brief overview of Enso report templates. We encourage you to reach out to support@ensodata.com if you want to be fully trained on how to use these reports in a self-service manner. Your Enso support team will always be here to help edit your reports! 

  1. Log in to the EnsoData dashboard and go to the CLINIC tab, then the TEMPLATES tab. Here you will find all of your clinic report templates.
  2. If you are making a new template, press the plus (+) button. If you are editing an existing template, click on the little pencil icon next to the one you want to edit. 
  3. Name your template and Proceed. A good template name is simple yet descriptive, such as: "ClinicName PSG Report", "ClinicName HST Report"
  4. Click the edit pencil in the lower box to get started. Don't worry about the Sections Visibility part - this is what displays the charts at the bottom of your report.
  5. This will open up a text editor. You can type information, change wording, and create/edit your report.
  6. If you see text in your report that {*looks.like.this*} - do not make changes to it. These are called 'tokens' and they pull in data from your study automatically onto your report when you run it for a specific patient. In most cases, contact your Enso support person to fill/edit these for you, after you have created the rest of your report. 
  7. If you are curious to look at the options for tokens, you can click the {;} icon and you will see a find-as-you-type list of available tokens.
  8. Don't forget to save your report before leaving the page!