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Create or Edit Locations & Pools

Utilize locations and pools to limit study access, assign studies to a group of users, invoice breakdowns and more.

Locations represent physical locations and identify where a study was administered, such as "Wisconsin Lab" or "Madison Branch."

Pools identify a group of users based on a shared responsibility for a step in the study workflow, such as “Madison Physicians” or “Scoring RPSGTs.”

Note: You must have admin access to create and edit locations and pools.

To Create a Location or Pool:

  1. Open the Locations & Pools Tab.
  2. Select the + symbol on the left hand pane next to Locations or Pools.
  3. Name the location or pool and select Proceed.

To Add Users to a Location or Pool:

  1. Select the location or pool on the left hand panel.
  2. Select the users to add to the location or pool by checking the box next to their name.
  3. You can filter users by searching the user first name or last name in the search bar. You can also sort by users first/last name or selected/unselected users in that group.

To Edit the Name of a Location or Pool:

  1. Select the pencil icon by the name of the location or pool.
  2. Click the save icon when done editing the name.

To Delete a Location or Pool:

  1. Select the trash icon by the name of the location or pool.
  2. Deleted locations or pools can still be accessed by reverting changes.

Note: The Locations & Pools permissions are additive. For example: 

  1. A user can see all studies in their location(s)
  2. A user can also see all studies directly assigned to them, even if the study is not in the user's location
  3. A user can see all studies assigned to a pool to which they belong, even if the study is not the user's location