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PPG Study Scoring Information

Below is a basic workflow for scoring a PPG study in the EnsoData study management application.

  1. When opening a study, the user will be directed to create a Scoreset. Select "Create" > based on > "prepared" and enter a scoreset name or number. Click Proceed. 
  2. This will open the Channels window and the user can begin scoring the study. 
  3. Edit the viewing window by selecting the settings gear in the upper right, and changing the Timespan at the top. 

  4. Scroll through the study by using the left/right arrow keys on your keyboard, mouse scroll wheel, or the PageUp/PageDown keys. 
  5. To score an event, click and drag on the appropriate channel. 
  6. To change an event, right click on the event and there will be a pop up with event options.
  7. To delete an event, right click to delete or hover the mouse over the event and click Delete on the keyboard. 
  8. To score bad data on a channel (such as SpO2) press and hold the 'B' key on the keyboard and click/drag to mark a swath of bad data.  
  9. For more keyboard shortcuts, open the Information drawer by clicking the (i) button in the upper right. 
  10. To get a running total of the current study AHI, select the Metadata list icon. 

  11. Tab Explanation:  
    1. The CHANNELS tab will show all channels present in the study.
    2. The TRENDS tab will show an all-night event hypnogram with plots for each event type. 
    3. The EVENTS tab will give you a list of every event in the study. You can filter the events to look for specific ones. Click on an event to view it in the CHANNELS tab.
    4. The PATIENT tab will show the basic patient information.
    5. The REPORT tab is where users can see the running AHI and other study information associated with the report.