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Setting up AirView with EnsoViewer

If you are using ResMed AirView with EnsoViewer, here is how to connect your account.

  1. Log into AirView using an Administrator account and create a new user account by going to https://airview.resmed.com/admin/users/new
  2. Create a new user for EnsoData Support with the following information, using your clinic acronym instead of "XYZ".
    1. Username: xyz@ensodata
    2. Email: support+xyz@ensodata.com
  3. Set the user as a Clinical User
  4. Accessible to Locations - whatever locations you want to share with Enso to process those studies. All organization locations is preferred. 

Step 1: Username and password 
(Opt i ma) L 
D NO email 
N P—ord 
First nam e 
Last nam e 
v' WC email address 
Email tne user a Mk to in ana set meir o•nn password 
O umually create ana provide a password me user 
Step 2: Permissions 
user role: See role dennmons: G) 
C) Administrator - æcess to administration leatures Wy 
O Clinica user - Full access to me or»zatMs patients and the" v" 
D InteWeting *lysician • Certified to interpret diaV'OStiC and issue 
must have a NR and email address. 
@ A" organization locations 
Allocated Ocations only

5.  After this has been done, your Customer Success Engineer will finish the setup by creating an AirView "computer" in the EnsoData dashboard. Once that has been set up, you will start to see your AirView studies populate into Enso and be scored. 

6.  AirView studies must be in the status of "Physician Reviewing" to get picked up by Enso


Notes: There is no way for the Enso-scored study or report to come back into AirView. In this case you will use the EnsoSleep Study Management platform to generate the patient report instead of AirView.