1. EnsoData Help Center
  2. I have questions about EnsoSleep

How to write a good support ticket

Here is some information you can send to your Enso Support team when you contact us with an issue to speed up resolution time.

Enso support email: support@ensodata.com

When sending us information about a specific patient, please do not send their full first/last name or date of birth. Send us the patient acquisition ID that is underneath the patient's name in the dashboard (highlighted below).
If you cannot find this information, send the patient initials and date of study. 

If you are receiving an error message: please provide a screenshot or let us know the text of the error message, along with the patient ID and scoreset which the error occurred. This will assist in diagnosing the error faster. 

If you find that studies are not uploading or downloading properly, first attempt restarting the EnsoSleep windows service. Wait a few minutes before checking for uploads. 
If that did not work, send us the computer & filepath being used. You can also check to make sure that you have space on your computer or network drive for the studies to be re-downloaded. 

If you think Enso is under or over-scoring certain events, please send a couple patient examples and epoch numbers so we can look into the scoring settings as well as our scoring model. Specific examples help us improve our scoring model.